If you have trouble downloading the Snapplify Reader app on your Android device or your Google Play Store displays a ‘Device not compatible’ error message, this is how you troubleshoot the problem:
- Navigate to the Google Play Store on your Android device.
- Open the Google Play Store Settings by tapping on the user profile and then selecting ‘Settings’.
- On the Settings page, expand the ‘About’ section, then tap on ‘Play Store version’.
Your Google Play Store version will either be up-to-date or you’ll get a message to say that a new version will be installed. Depending on your internet connection, this may take some time.
Once the Google Play Store is updated, follow these steps:
- Open your Android device’s Settings.
- Navigate to the ‘Apps’ section.
- From the list of apps, tap on ‘Google Play Store’. The app information displays.
Tap ‘Storage’ to navigate to the app’s storage information, then tap ‘Clear Data' and 'Clear Cache’.
Once completed, restart the device and download the Snapplify Reader app.
What's next? Download books to start reading and access offline, wherever you go. Understand the different ways you can use the Snapplify Reader app.
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