Analytics in Engage can give you valuable insight into how students and staff are using the Snapplify Reader app.

The following user behaviour metrics are available: 

  • The total number of teachers and learners.
  • The number of active users over a set period of time.
  • The most recent time or date of an activity.
  • The total number of users that were active per day, over a set period of time.
  • The average number of users per hour over a set period of time.
  • The activity per book.
  • The most popular operating system, based on user devices.
  • The total number of devices per user.
  • The average count of device activity for a set period of time.
  • The total number of devices using previous versions of the reader app.
  • Specific activities performed per operating system over a set period of time.

Accessing analytics

To find analytics in Engage:

  1. After logging in to Engage, click the cog icon to open the settings.
  2. Your settings become available in the navigation pane. In the user behaviour section, select 'Analytics'.
  3. The Analytics page opens, displaying data about user activity on the platform.

Using analytics

At the top of the Analytics page, you will see overarching dashlets that indicate how many teachers and learners have accounts on the platform, and when a learner was last active.

There are two sections that are accessible, one that will provide analytics on what the users are reading, how long they are reading for etc and the other section provides information on the platforms and devices the teachers and learner are using to read. 

Select View' in the relevant section for a high-level overview of usage for a specific date range, select '30d', '60d', '90d', '120d' or 'Custom'.

Once you've set this date range, the graphs below will update and you'll be able to see how the users at your educational institution are using the Snapplify Reader app over that period of time. 

Find out how to view analytics for individual users. Each user can also view their own data. 
NB Analytic data is generated within 24 hours after the initial review.

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