Once your institution’s account balance is loaded in Engage, your librarian and/or users can purchase books for your digital library.

Purchases may be made by all library patrons or only by your librarian, depending on your institution’s preferred purchasing type.

Purchasing books for your digital library is a simple process that can be done per book or in bulk.

To purchase individual ebooks

  1. Navigate to 'Library' when logged in to Engage.
  2. Browse the list of available ebooks or search for a specific title using the search bar at the top of the page. Snapplify’s curated Collections, Favourites, and Recommended sections can be especially helpful ( learn more about navigating your digital library here).
  3. Click the ‘Add’ button.
    Note that if your library is set to ‘ Librarian purchasing’, student users (patrons) who do not have librarian permissions can click the ‘Request Book’ button instead. If they request a book, the librarian will receive a notification and decide whether to approve or deny the transaction.
  4. The book is now owned by the institution for the licence period.

Need help? Use the live chat in the bottom right corner of your screen or email us at [email protected].