If there is an ebook or resource that you've completed using and you do not wish to see it in your Snapplify Reader anymore, you can simply archive it.

To archive ebooks or resources, follow the instructions for your specific device:

iOS and Android

  1. Hold down on the ebook or resource you wish to archive, or tap the vertical ellipses (the three vertical dots) below the jacket image.

  2. When the pop-up opens, tap 'Archive'.

The archived item is removed from the list and can be found under the 'Archived' tab.

Windows and macOS

  1. Once you find the ebook or resources you wish to archive, click the vertical ellipses (the three vertical dots) below the jacket image.
  2. A pop-up opens. From here, click the 'Archive' button.

Once the ebook or resource is archived, it can be found under 'Archived' in the navigation menu.

Learn how to delete your ebook instead of archiving it (this can help to free up storage capacity). Alternatively, you can unarchive your ebook or resource when you need to refer to it again. 

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