Sharing of multimedia resources is a great way to bring the curriculum to life – making it more fun and accessible for students.

Film a science experiment and upload it so that your class can watch it again later; record a lesson and share the audio file for homework or revision purposes; or simply upload a document with additional notes for your students. 

This feature is available all Engage clients. Note the following tier distinctions:

BASIC: Maximum of 100 resources per institution* PROFESSIONAL: Maximum of 500 resources per institution* ENTERPRISE: Unlimited number of resources

* Archived resources do not count towards this total. Once you reach your limit, you will only be able to add more resources if you archive others. Alternatively, you may want to consider upgrading your Engage tier.

Uploading a resource in Engage

Once you share resources via Engage, your students will be able to access these in their Snapplify Reader app.

  • We recommend that you limit file sizes for uploads to 100 MB, to avoid space issues and data costs for downloads.
  • While you can upload most file types to Engage, the Snapplify Reader works best with PDFs, ePUBs, MP4s, MP3s, TXT files, JPGs, PNGs, and Snap files.
  • If you upload and share certain third-party file types (like Microsoft Word/Excel/Powerpoint, Google Docs/Sheets, etc.), students will need to install that software on their devices. An easy way around this is for you to convert documents to PDFs before uploading to Engage so that your students will be able to open them immediately in the Snapplify Reader.
  • Formats such as AVI and MKV will work cross platform but require the correct encoding to be implemented. It is advised to encode such files as H264 in order to render correctly.

To upload a resource:

  1. After logging in to Engage, Navigate to the Library section by clicking 'Library' at the top of your screen.

  2. From your dashboard on the left-hand side of your screen, select 'Resources'.
  3. Next, scroll down the page until you see the button to ‘Add Resource.’
  4. On the next page, create your new resource by uploading one or more files, or by adding a URL.

    A file may be a document or MP3 file, for example; whereas the link may be to an online video or to the webpage where a book can be purchased, or borrowed from your school’s digital library.
  5. Fill in the details for your resource (i.e. title, description, grade, subject, language, and keywords), then click ‘Save’ to continue to the next screen.

  6. Once you’ve created your resource by following the steps above, you will be able to upload a relevant image on your specific resource page to help your students navigate the resources with ease.

You can also upload resources in bulk.

Sharing resources with a group in Engage

Once you've uploaded your resource in Engage, you can link it to a group so that your students will be able to access it in their Snapplify Reader app.

If the group does not already exist, you will need to create a new group under the ‘Groups’ section, which follows a similar, simple process as creating a resource.

To assign a resource to a group in Engage:

  1. After logging in to Engage, Navigate to the Library section by clicking 'Library' at the top of your screen.
  2. From your dashboard on the left-hand side of your screen, select 'Resources'.
  3. On the Resources page, find your resource and click it to open the resource-specific page.
  4. On your specific resource page, select the ‘Add Group’ button.
  5. In the pop-up text box, type in your group's name and select the it from the drop-down menu.
  6. Click 'Save'. Your group is now linked to this resource. Any members of that group will be able to access the resource in their Snapplify Reader app.

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