While studying, it's really helpful to be able to add highlights and notes to the text to come back to key concepts and themes later. The Snapplify Reader app allows you to refer to all of your notes and highlights in one place, when you need them, using the annotations and journal features.
With annotations, you'll see a compact list of all your highlights and notes. Selecting an annotation will take you to the matching location in your ebook.
Similar to annotations, the journal also allows you to review your highlights and notes, but in full and in one place. It's reader-friendly, as it shows all of your annotations and comments in a list view and on one page (rather than linking to different areas of the book, as with the annotations option).
Use the journal for final revision or to summarise all of your most crucial points from the book in one place. The journal is also collaborative, so teachers are able to share their highlights and notes with their students.
To use the annotations and journal functionalities, follow the instructions for your specific device:
iOS and Android
To see your annotations:
- Once the relevant ebook is open in the reader app, tap on the screen to access the tool options.
- Tap on the book icon.
Next, tap the 'Annotations' tab. A summarised list of your highlights and notes is displayed. Tap on the annotation to navigate to the corresponding location in the ebook.
To use the journal:
- From the 'Annotations' tab in your ebook, tap the list view icon at the base of your screen. Journal view opens, showing a full, detailed list of your highlights and notes.
Windows and macOS
To use the journal:
- Open the relevant ebook in the reader app.
- Click the 'Journal' icon on the toolbar.
- A full, detailed list of your highlights and notes will pop up. To see them in your ebook, click the entry and it will navigate to the corresponding place in the book.
You can review your notes and highlights across all your devices. Notes, highlights, and bookmarks are synchronised on app startup as well as when you open and close your ebooks. Annotations help you quickly mark important passages, while the Snapplify Journal allows you to compile all your notes in one convenient place, making revision easier.
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